NRA Appoints New CEO After Ex-Leader Allegedly Misuses Funds

The National Rifle Association elected a new CEO this past Monday after the organization’s former CEO Wayne LaPierre resigned from the position after being found liable for misusing the organization’s funds for his own personal expenses.

On Monday, the NRA elected Doug Hamlin as their new CEO and Vice President, positions that were both occupied by LaPierre before his resignation. In February, LaPierre was found guilty in a New York civil trial of misusing millions of dollars of the company’s funds to pay for a luxurious lifestyle that consisted of exotic vacations accompanied by superyachts and private jets. The New York jury demanded LaPierre repay his borrowed money which added up to almost $4.4 million to the organization. The jury also ordered the NRA’s retired financial chief Wilson Phillips $2 million, in which he too was convicted of using the NRA’s funds for personal use. Jurors also found that the organization failed to manage its assets and misrepresented tax filing information.

In 2018, the NRA reported a $36 million deficit which was caused greatly by misspending. During that time the NRA cut back on lifetime programs that were the foundations of the company. These programs included gun training and education, recreational shooting, and law enforcement initiatives. The civil trial made the nation look deeper at the company’s leadership and finances, which strongly influence federal laws regarding firearms and even presidential elections. Former President Donald Trump recently spoke at an NRA event this Saturday which hosted around 72,000 people, where Trump received the NRA’s endorsement for the upcoming election.

Along with electing a new CEO and vice president, the NRA also elected a new President. The NRA’s board of directors elected former GOP Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia as its new standing president. In a recent statement, Barr promised to fight for Second Amendment rights on behalf of all the members of the NRA, which is millions of Americans.