At the Pride Parade in Baltimore, a chemical substance was allegedly discharged into the crowd, leading to a stampede that injured several people.
At around 8:37 p.m. on Saturday, revelers at the Baltimore Pride Block Party reported the release of a chemical, presumably Mace or possibly hairspray, into the gathering of celebrators.
The headliner, Rashad Jamiyl Spain, AKA Saucy Santana, abruptly ended his performance due to the subsequent unrest, and the event was quickly called off.
According to the police, the main stage of the event was located at the intersection of North Avenue and Charles Street, and fireworks were also let off at the same spot, which only added to the pandemonium.
The Baltimore Police have not established the nature of the chemical or who was responsible for its dispersal, but rumors abound, and organizers intimate that it was a purposeful attack and possibly a hate crime.
Spectators screamed and ran instinctively as the chemical weapon was tossed, according to footage from the event.
Firefighters were reportedly tending to several injuries from the mass exodus after people pushed and stomped on one another.
According to authorities, there is no evidence to support any notion that this was a targeted attack.
Cleo Manago, executive director of the non-profit Pride Center of Maryland, said it was their understanding that the chemical was Mace and was set off by a group of youths, perhaps not in allegiance with the celebration’s message.
At one point, an explosion occurred. So dense was the air some people started vomiting. As a group, they were dousing one another with water. In a stroller, there was a small child; they were dousing the child’s eyes with water.
A police helicopter was seen hovering over the gathering, signaling that everything was under control.
Police are a welcomed sight when needed- which is not usually the case in Baltimore.